
High5 Together Apart builds unity between people committed to safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sparked by First 5 Napa Network, a cohort of design thinkers in Napa County, the organization invited residents to create posters that expressed “Give High Fives and Good Vibes.” Part of the #TogetherApart national campaign, the initiative coincided with National High Five Day on April 16, 2020.

One cohort member designed her own masked selfie poster, and then created one for her son. Neighbors requested their own, people in her community and social network soon joined the movement. Within a few weeks, a team came together to create a platform so that the global community could #High5 each other and promote COVID-19 safety. Shortly thereafter, #High5TogetherApart launched.

COVID-19 is indiscriminate. All genders, ethnicities, ages, religions, and politics are impacted by COVID-19. Whether asymptomatic or fully symptomatic, many of our fellow humans have lost their lives.

High5 Together Apart’s mission is to build community, promote safety by wearing a mask and social distance, practice well-being, and create art to keep and share on social media. We invite you to join us and create your own unique art. Then share it if you’d like and join our social media channels to offer encouragement and intention. You’ll unite with our worldwide community and help stop the spread of COVID-19 until a vaccine is developed. 

Stay safe! Stay connected! And give yourself a High5!